
DrtyThrty (018): Rekindling

In this eighteenized episode of DrtyThrty, Nate (Mantrakid) Schmold aka Ghost Cartridge takes a break from live streaming a sesh to just sorta chill and make some stuff with Maschine. The process is a little more subdued and cerebral due to sample and sound finding but the end result is still a lil funky!

Follow Ghost Cartridge on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/06gkjFG9jNYcfgL4QpogvY?si=n02dWFveT7KHdrUzSb1hbg

Follow Ghost Cartridge on Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/ca/artist/ghost-cartridge/1438574919

Check out Nate's OTHER Projects: https://www.3030.ca

Stuff used for this Beat:

- Maschine +

- OP-1 Field

- Microcosm Hologram

- Microcosm Chroma Console

- Quiet Me Time

- Audio Technica - AT4040 Mic


DrtyThrty (019): Canonically Twenty


DrtyThrty (017): Crash