
DrtyThrty (020): NateBear!

In this twenty-asmic episode of DrtyThrty, Nate (Mantrakid) Schmold aka Ghost Cartridge sits down for a sesh to try and record some sound design to accompany an animation by the amazingly talented Nate Bear (aka @BearBrains -- https://natebear.art/). Sadly, a majority of the audio takes place in Adobe Audition and because Nate didnt properly route it to OBS, a ton of the working audio doesnt get picked up, so this episode is kind of... a fail... skip to the very end to hear what the end result of Nate's work was and you can skip through the episode to see me do various parts but... ... quietly... Sorry!

Follow Ghost Cartridge on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/06gkjFG9jNYcfgL4QpogvY?si=n02dWFveT7KHdrUzSb1hbg

Follow Ghost Cartridge on Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/ca/artist/ghost-cartridge/1438574919

Check out Nate's OTHER Projects: https://www.3030.ca

Stuff used for this Beat:

- OP-1 Field

- Microcosm Hologram

- Microcosm Chroma Console

- Audio Technica - AT4040 Mic


DrtyThrty (021): Soothing Sunday


DrtyThrty (019): Canonically Twenty