
DrtyThrty (024): SoLeo333's Samples

In this twentyfourational episode of DrtyThrty, Nate (Mantrakid) Schmold aka Ghost Cartridge tries putting some ideas together using samples spotted by his good music buddy and SE Calgary childhood friend "SoLeo333". However he fails to latch on to anything serious with them and instead drops em out to make a gangster-ass beat that doesnt need the effing sample.

Follow Ghost Cartridge on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/06gkjFG9jNYcfgL4QpogvY?si=n02dWFveT7KHdrUzSb1hbg

Follow Ghost Cartridge on Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/ca/artist/ghost-cartridge/1438574919

Check out Nate's OTHER Projects: https://www.3030.ca

Stuff used for this Beat:

- Maschine +

- SoLeosauce

- Audio Technica - AT4040 Mic


DrtyThrty (025): Oh Dear


DrtyThrty (023): Knock Out Too